Salon du Thé
Hmm. Why when I upload from a phone does it remove all the phone-based edits I am so ashamed of but nevertheless want to keep….?
Saint Malo.
Tiny tiny spring
Grantchester Sunday
Nice walk in the easter sun!
I haven’t had as nice a walk in this in a long time. Radio 3 in the ears. Long lens. Nowhere to be. Random bat. Glorious.
Multi-Storey II
BHF Data Sciences
Royal Papworth - Rear
Royal Papworth - Front
Very little of interest here except…. I keep coming back to it. (Soap bubbles in the washing up, FYI).
Goal Kick
Skye - Day 5
Skye - Day 4
Sorry to bang on, but this is just another of those miles of mountains I keep driving past.
Trying to allow a little serendipity into my life; because I suck the joy out of everything with my logistic anxieties.
BANG! Serendipity! Eilean Nan Each. An island spotted next to a church with a handy car park.
Drove round the loop road through Ord. It was indeed gorgeous, but I grew more interested in the animals than the overwhelming landscape wows.
I just liked this guy. After a lunch of a large salad in order to stave off the worse of the effects of Scottish* cuisine, I decided to brave the tourist trap of the Fairy Pools. Quite nice…
… except ten minutes further up the road and after a significantly easier walk, you find the tallest waterfall on Skye - and you get it to yourself.
I don’t know how to take photos of waterfalls and convey the scale. I think it is impossible. Without a banana.
Lastly, I indulged my creative bent and took this image of Sgurr nan Gobhar.
Easily my favourite picture from the day. Royston Photographic Society will not be surprised.
Skye - Day 3
Absolute white-out this morning. Braved the snow and wind for a walk.
After breakfast the snow had mostly stopped and so I braved the icy peaks of the Storr to visit the Old Man.
And then… and THEN!…. Rubha Hunish. The northernmost tip of Skye - a small low promontory below enormous basalt cliffs. An absolute treat and worth the five-mile hike and precipitous climb down.
Skye - Day 2
Really cold and wet. Bah.
It was so wet and cold this morning that all I managed was to gather these three things from The Braes. If you mix them in Doodle God you get Skye.
Skye - Day 1
First place I went to once actually on Skye… and it was closed for construction work. However it was Sunday so I jumped the fence. Impossible to take pictures of this with my expensive camera and lenses so this was a drone. I have a feeling this will be a pattern.
And then on to Quiraing, a collection of features in the Trotternish Ridge escarpment. It was early, it was dark, it’s miles down a very dodgy track, I was the only one there, and the weather was closing in. So I took a couple of pics and chickened out back to the car with snow in my boots.
The Needle. What a scary climb up to this in the snow…. Just behind it is the Prison and just behind me is the Table, but bugger them; all I could think of was sliding to my death. Hopefully I can come back later in the week if the weather improves.
After Quiraing, piss-wet through and freezing I went home to dry my clothes and have lunch to find - a two-hour island-wide power cut. Sat in front of the fire eating a cheese sandwich.
Early evening and I drove an hour to take this picture with the wrong lens, in the wrong weather and with the wrong amount of enthusiasm. I imagine in a dusky summer sun it looks fab. For a castle. Castles are boring. The walk wasn’t though…. My guide-book said “Go through the gate next to the road sign to Claigan” which was a euphemism for “Climb over the locked and barbed-wire-topped gate with the sign saying Beware Of The Bull” (and then over two more fences.) Wasn’t worth it.
Notable according to my guide (post-bridge) as the furthest west part of the UK you can drive to, which rather depends on where you start. Bloody London metropolitan elites…! Another drone-shot. What did I say…?