And, less interesting, but still something to bear in mind….
BMX Photoshop Extravaganza
Went to the BMX track. It hammered down with rain. Took one. Came home. Spent more time on Photoshop than at the track creating this monstrosity.
Sunset Munter
Road Project
Focus Stacking by Swaying Practice
Could not work out how to set up focus-stacking in-camera in the field (or in my studio, if I’m honest) and then read in Frames the (obvious with hindsight) solution of fixing focus, then taking many fast-shutter shots as you lean in (or out). It seems to work a treat - and is especially easy with good-old back-button focus. Loving that.
Once Was Reading
THAT Time of Year
Oil and Water Experiment 2
Attempt two. Baby oil rather than olive (not a lot of difference.) Best idea is using an iPad for background rather than lighting objects. Also, more generous depth of field. Then - process the shit out of them. Hmm. Main lesson is there’s FAR less control than I imagined.
Oil and Water Experiment 1
Well THIS is much more complicated than it looks! You CANNOT have any muck in your glass dish. It’s hard to get the camera level with the water. It’s difficult to focus. If it’s on the floor (because a lot of water is heavy) it’s hard on the back. There are significant variables in sort of oil, quantity of oil, use of washing-up liquid. Lighting it is difficult. Wow. Will keep trying. Probably.
Learning Multiple Exposure
Still trying to understand multi-exposure blending modes. Much easier if one of the images is mostly a silhouette! This is dark blending with pic 1 a succulent in front of a light board. Not saying it’s art, but it is a step towards understanding….
Not A Dandelion
A multiple exposure (2-shot) of a close-up dandelion and a medium something-else.
Not that anybody should be particularly taken by it, but I am interested in the way this enables a sort of exposure masking using a MultEx shot as the mask.
Piscine II
Spike fortress
Eglise St Léonard
Rue Saint-Vincent
Merci c'est assez incroyable telle 1 petite lanterne dans la nuit.
Bonne soirée