I’m quite pleased with the fact that I went to Stourhead and managed to ignore the usual stuff; instead looking far too closely at a stand of Gunnera.
Click for biggerer.
I’m quite pleased with the fact that I went to Stourhead and managed to ignore the usual stuff; instead looking far too closely at a stand of Gunnera.
Click for biggerer.
Just revisiting an image from Strawberry Fair I didn’t use.
And submitting it to APOY2024 because I’ve lost interest in it….
Trying a new thing. On reflection I think it would be better without the frame. Too much contrast on the least important thing.
Works better in a stick frame.
RPS trip to HMG trying to encourage people to shoot more freely and to learn form the results, leaning into accident, and so on.
Seizing the opportunity, but also fiddling with the Fuji partial-colour feature.
Reclining figure. This kid just tumbled into shot and posed. Thanks kid.
“Miniature” filter.
An image taken for an abandoned multiple exposure.
NatRam near Alfriston
A week in Paris doing The Usual, checkbox fashion. As usual I have the most fun with the worst camera. I need to work out what’s going on there…. Click for bigger images.
Bits of the Pompidou Centre…
850nm IR in various places…
A couple of colour ones…
… and a reminder of what it’s like in Paris doing the sites, in summer, just prior to the Olympics.
Had a go at panning for speed, among other things. Click for full size.
This is out-of-camera (minor sharpening) but with the Fuji Velvia film sim. I'm struck by what a pronounced UV effect seems to have happened when ordinarily this sim is broadly just saturation (broadly). The leaves are naturally that faintly blue-tinged but fuzzy colour of lavender leaves.
I can see myself becoming quite addicted to making these.
Returned to the Henry Moore Garden with a plan. Of sorts. Take documentary-like images of whole sculptures, large partial-forms and textures, then create a panel with a coherent composition. I’m satisfied with this. It works well to composite everything, then find a high-contrast black-and-white treatment, and bi-colour-process that with bronze-like user-defined colours.
For the record:
Large-form in photoshop layer.
Texture in another layer.
Change blend mode to overlay, though sometimes something else.
Adjust both layers’ levels to taste.
Flatten or export, then black-and-white process with an appropriate filter for dynamic range.
Nik ColorEfex user-defined bi-colour process with colours picked from the original bronzes.
Print-to-file in lightroom as panel.
Experimenting with the X100VI. I do like the close-up stuff. The bokeh is great.
Revisited the Henry Moores and took lots of raw material pictures for future projects. But also these.