First shot at bathing them today...
For all those hopeful twin-watchers - just a note to say that I am afraid the video footage of bilateral breastfeeding was vetoed by the supporting actress!
Strewth. I've escaped for half an hour. Having babies is hard work innit? We were both up pacing around a small room with a whingey baby until 3am, then up at 6.30 with the bloody sun (and babies, of course...)
Still. Wouldn't give it up for the world!
PS First go at breast-feeding two babies at once last night! I have pictures. In fact - I have video! However, I feel ethically obliged to consult the wife before posting her bare knockers on the internet...!
We arrive in the neonatal unit Nursery 1 to find our children missing. Good news! They have been promoted to Nursery 3 - the Premier League of Special Care Nurseries. Now neither daughter is attached to a TV, both have apnoea alarms, and neither alarm is going off. Jim's paranoia immediately subsides. Now they are easy to pick up and/or photograph, although Holly refuses to let us take decent pictures.
AM. We arrive to find Rosie out of the incubator and in a cot, though still attached to a TV. Jim develops a protracted paranoia about Holly, who remains in an incubator, and whose respiration trace has a habit of flatlining with a remark next to it as follows: "Resp?"
Evening. Rosie is no longer attached to the TV. She just has an apnoea alarm. Jim's paranoia about Holly deepens until just before we leave for the night when she too is removed from her incubator and placed in a cot.
Boxing Day. Both are feeding a little bit via the NG tube - Holly 1ml and Rosie 4ml!
Day One
Christmas Day. H&R are now not needing oxygen. Both in incubators with nasogastric tubes for feeding, though feeding is currently via a drip. Both are wired up to big TVs that show heart rate and respiration. We can touch them! HOORAY!
Joined Tamsin on the post/antenatal ward.
Anti-embolism stockings. Lovely. Tamsin, not me.
Went down to delivery suite. Sat about. Decorated room with inflated examination gloves.
Into theatre. Tamsin prepped for spinal. Needle in Anaesthetist's hand. Knock on door - "We have an emeregency breech. She needs to be off the table now." Tamsin gets off the table and we return to our little room.
Jim fashions crude antenna from foil pisspot. Shoves into back of telly.
We watch Santa Claus The Movie. Bloody awful.
Back into theatre. Lots of people. Anaesthetist tells me I look like some bloke. "Who's that?" "He plays cricket for Australia." Well of course I knew that.
"Waah!" Hello Holly. Holly wrapped in tea towel and slung under a grill. Approximately 4.5lbs.
"Waah!" Hello Rosie. Rosie wrapped in tea towel and stuck under her own grill. Approximately 4.5lbs. Rosie expresses dissatisfaction by voiding bowels mid-procedure. If you don't like references to bowel movements you'd better get used to them. We got babies. That's all we're going to talk about.
Jim slung out while they suppositorise, catheterise and cross-stitch his wife. Goes for a sandwich.
Jim visits neonatal unit where twins are in incubators. Awww! Gorgeous! Notices "Rosie" is clean as a whistle and "Holly" is caked in baby poo. Hmm. They seem to have switched them. Chooses to overlook it. Say nothing, it won't be the last time... They are both breathing by themselves with next to no additional oxygen - 24% or something. One of those rugby-player nasal strips would have the same effect.
Can't find wife. Finds her hidden in paediatric recovery unit. Grown-up recovery full of all the emergency section mums who caused us to watch Santa Claus The Movie.
Jim goes back to special care to see twins. Still too soon to do anything unnatural and freakish like, you know, actually touch them, but can't get enough of counting fingers and comparing relative volumes of baby noses and tip of adult little finger. Spends rest of day wondering what to do and feeling too bewildered to answer any phone calls. Sorry!