
Poor old Rosie put her name forward for the school council today and was outvoted in favour of Harry. She is most unhappy about this, but has learnt a lesson in politics. Her campaign was that the children should be given more exercises. Harry's campaign was that the bike sheds should be painted pink.

Stone Hedge

Mummy: "Look! It's Stonehenge!"
Rosie: "What's Stone Hedge?"
Mummy: "There. It's very very old and nobody knows how the people put all the stones there. Because there were no lorries to help in those days."
Rosie: "They must've used cows. Look... there's some just opposite."

Rhyme spotting

We were listening to Jumping Jive in the car today. Holly likes to spot the rhymes.

Holly: "CALL, and BALL. That's a good rhyme!"
Rosie, seconds later: "Yes. Jive, and five. That's a rhyme. Can we stop doing this?"

A window on her world

Rosie: "Please may we buy some 'Andrex Fresh Moistened Wipes'?"
Mummy: "We don't need those darling. Normal loo roll works just as well..."
Rosie: "But 'Andrex Fresh Moistened Wipes' leave you feeling 'more confident than ever before'. That would be really good for going to school."


We saw a lady recycling her bottles today.

Rosie (easily within earshot): "She must drink a lot. She's got two bags!"


...is not what Rosie thinks the sign says outside of the studio.



Holly mixes up her words at the Trowbridge Festival: "When can we go back to the Trowbridge Funeral?"


Holly: "When you fart, sometimes... Twice... It sounds like 'Poo Poo'."


Rosie drew Daddy while he sat patiently.


Don't Spray Honey

Holly and Rosie have been making posters with slogans. Rosie addresses a perennial social scourge:

Click for the full poster.

Respiratory Anatomy

Holly: "I am very farty at the moment, because when I've got a bunged up nose, all the breaths that are supposed to come out of my nose have to come out of my bottom."