
While listening to Ingrid Michaelson's Corner Of Your Heart...
Rosie: "She can't really keep anything in the corner of her heart because hearts aren't heart shaped - they are ovals - and ovals do not have any corners."

Age Restricted

Holly: "Daddy, what does 'age restricted' mean?"
Daddy: "Well, it means if something is too bad for you or nasty or scary then you have to be a certain age to be able to buy it."
Holly: "Like ketchup!"

Holly's Mug Design

Holly designed this mug, which is both wise and self-referential.

Anyone can make a joke but... it takes a good joke to make people laugh.

Speed-reading 2

Holly has now finished all thirteen Lemony Snicket books, averaging about one a day...!


Holly started reading A Series of Unfortunate Events on Thursday. She's now on book six...

Rosie's work in progress...

The Big Mystery

Once upon a time a long time ago not far from here there was a farm. On that farm lived a very poor man called Donald Long Straws. Donald lived on the side of a very steep hill. In November 1974 he went to the hill side, getting ready to be even more poor than he already was (he had left his long straw in a kind of nest shape and it had rained which is supposed to ruin straw) to find it wasn’t, it had not been touched.


A soft emotion,
A surging in the heart
You can love a toy,a girl and a boy
You can love a subgect
You can love a place
And you can love your ice cream if it’s very best

By Rosie Cromwell

Best Friends and Aliens

Once upon a time in place not very far from here, there lived two best friends, who were called Emily and Jane. They did not know that they would soon be heroes and that is what this story is about. So here it is. One frosty Saturday morning the two best friends were making a snowman, while their parents read books and made breakfast, when Jane saw something strange in sky above. It was round and it was heading straight for them. They jumped out of the way just in time. The thing landed it was a … SPACESHIP! The doors opened and the two girls were sucked into the dark spaceship.

The girls scrambled to their feet, Emily screamed, Jane fainted for there, glowering at them was a tall, thin, hairy, ugly looking, grumpy alien.”Do do dad or car” said the alien (translated it says “you are now my slaves and I will destroy your planet”).

Not knowing what to do Jane realized she was clutching the stick that had been the snowman’s arm. She whacked the alien on the head while Emily pressed buttons and finally she opened the doors and they slid out. Afterwards Jane found out that she had killed the last of the killer romps (which ate people).

The End

By Rosie