
Rosie: "Thy is old-fashioned for 'you' so Thus is old-fashioned for 'us'."

Smart Car

Holly: "Why on EARTH would you want to buy a car that: Only seats two people; is a sickly green colour; and is teensy..?"


Mummy reckons Rosie is starting to grow boobs. She says, "What are we going to do with a 10 year old daughter who's menstruating?"

Take off and nuke her from orbit.


Holly started Brownies tonight. Daddy forgot to take a picture in uniform. Dolt.

Next week. Promise.


Daddy: "I'm going to Scotland tomorrow so I won't see you until Thursday."
Holly: "At least it's not Wales."

French Weir Park

Official photo from Taunton Thespians

Holly was not impressed with having a gun pointed at her.

Year 4!

We started in Year 4 today. Holly was excited, but Rosie was rather apprehensive. She has a weekend with Auntie Alex from tomorrow though, so that should cheer her up...


Rosie: "I know that reproduction needs a male and a female, and I know that there are single mothers. I've NO IDEA how THEY do it..."

Solo kayak

Holly AND Rosie have just had their first SOLO go in the kayak, behind the dam at Stoke Gabriel. Way to go kids!


Rosie has a diagram.

"You see this is the sperm that is always being born in the man and this is the egg that is in the lady, and the sperm has to find the egg before it gets too old and ends up just wandering around the body."


We watched Grease.

Daddy: "Well... Did you enjoy the film?"
Holly: "Not really."
Daddy: "What bits DID you like?"
Holly: "Well, I liked the beginning and the end. And some parts of the middle."


In case we forget, here is a lexicon of hugs we have evolved:

SQUONK. A squonk, traditionally delivered in bed first thing in the morning, is when a child lies full-weight on you such that no part of her touches the bed. Traditionally accompanied with a cry of, "SQUONK!"

CLIXBY. A clixby is a cuddle employing all four limbs in the manner of a koala. Usually the child does the clinging but it will not be long until the roles will be reversed. Daddy plans to achieve his first clixby delivery on Holly or Rosie's wedding day.

MAZZAZOOZYNUN. Historically an onomatopoeic word to indicate the utter blissful contentment of a good snuggle, mazzazoozynun has evolved to become a term for any cuddle evoking womblike levels of snug.