New School

Well, we just told Holly and Rosie that we're sending them to Exeter School from next September. Rosie was basically delighted though apprehensive, whereas Holly was much more equivocal. Not unreasonably as she has great friends at Alphington - something Rosie has not. However Holly (and indeed Rosie, to be fair) was extremely grown up about it and, deep down, completely gets why. Bless them.


We got iPods for Christmas. The batteries don't last all day.


Holly: "The man at the carol service said we had to take our christingles home and put them somewhere special to remind us of what they mean."
Daddy: "What DO they mean?"
Holly: "The orange is the world. The ribbon, I can't remember. The candle is Jesus Christ, and the sweets represent the gifts that God gave us."

Lady Gaga

Holly: "I think Lady Gaga always sounds like she's singing through a blocked-up nose."

New School?

We had a try-out day at a different school today. Rosie, who has had real trouble being accepted and making friends in her current class, when asked how school was today, said,

"I hope if we go to this school that I can be in the class I was in today."
Daddy: "Why is that?"
Rosie: "Because I fit in."

Shopping Fraud

Hmm. Somebody has taken it upon themselves to add items to the shopping list.

It's ok though. We corrected it.


Daddy went and laid on his bed during the girls' tea today. When they finished they did not know where he was so, pleasingly, they rang his mobile. Pleasingly for Daddy, he left his phone in the kitchen.

Scooby Doo

Rosie: "Daphne loves Fred, and I think Shaggy secretly loves Velma."
Daddy: "I thought Shaggy loved Scooby?"
Rosie: "Dad. That would be gay."


Holly: "Shall I tell you what I saw coming up the beach? I saw a lady with ENORMOUS boobs. And she had a triangle, an EQUILATERAL triangle, between them!"