Last week was so much fun I went straight out and did another. 😎
Cambridge WNBR
My first World Naked Bike Ride! Despite initial apprehension, it was amazing. I’ve never been the epicentre of so much joy. Usually in a city everyone is in their bubble (including me) but goodness me a pack of naked cyclists doesn’t half illicit some real smiles and waves.
Despite this, I for some reason used a really bleak looking film sim for the photo.
These two are from the official ones…
After Stevie Smith
Nobody heard him, the deaf man,
And nobody saw him.
The doorbell was flashing and ringing
But he just wasn’t coming.
Poor chap, he never went missing
and now - who knows?
We called the police. “We will be fifteen minutes”
They said.
The constable knelt at the letterbox.
”He won’t hear you, he’s deaf” we were yelling.
Without turning his head he replied
”I’m not shouting, but smelling.”
Based on a true story. After an hour and a half of banging on neighbours’ doors, about a dozen policemen, and a back door smashed into three pieces, the gentleman shuffled up the road from Sainsbury’s.
Conversation with Small Boy Outside of Our House
“Is your house haunted?”
“How do you know?”
“I’ve lived here a while and really checked.”
“But you can’t see ghosts…”
“Of course, but if you call a ghost they are not allowed to pretend they aren’t there.”
“But you can’t HEAR ghosts!”
“Well… How do you know there ARE ghosts?”
“Because my Mum’s a scientist.”
Giant Silent Kindness
Somebody important died.
Lynne Blount
Vegetarian Christmas
If your pub Christmas menu includes the word “tart”, you should take a long hard look at yourself.
Read More13:52 AM
It doesn’t wake me
Your snoring while I lie here
It just takes the piss
Bus Replacement Service
Strictly speaking, trains are bus-replacement services and buses are train-replacement services…
“I have found 25,000 geocaches and completed my grid nine times.”
“You should get out less.”
A Sample of Balms, Unguents and Tinctures at Rivendell House, Bassingbourn
Jonathan Vaines
I am at a talk by photographer Jonathan Vaines and I am furious. His work is everything I want my photography to be, but is unattainably tremendous! He’s clarified for me my own creative journey and simultaneously planted his flag right at the peak!
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Actually, the thick snow all over the roof indicates either
a) we are well-insulated, or
b) there’s no fucking heat in the place to lose…
International International Day Day
Today is International International Day Day and we would like to extend our warmest thanks to the people who decide the International Days For Things for their continued support and professionalism on our journey to have international days for things every day.
Read MoreYouTube
Just deleted all of my videos from YouTube. It’s abhorrent for so many reasons. So that’s why probably over a hundred links on this website no longer work….🤨
BBC and Social Media
I am uneasy about the BBC’s promotion of Facebook, Twitter and, recently, WhatsApp when reaching out for listener and viewer interaction. The contributory effects of these media to worsening mental health, erosion of democracy, escalation of hatred, and polarisation of opinion have been repeatedly demonstrated.
Read MoreSabotage
Honestly, I’d completely forgotten how great this is. Should be as well-known as Killing In The Name.