Reception Reports - Holly


Topics covered:

Autumn: Ourselves, The Weather. Spring: Wheels, Wings and Other Things, Food. Summer: In the Park, All Creatures Small and Great.

Language and Literacy (including Speaking and Listening, Reading and Comprehension, Spelling, Handwriting):

Holly is often able to add interesting ideas to group or class discussions and she likes to share her news with the rest of the class, frequently bringing in an item for the letter table or for show and tell. Holly is enthusiastic about reading and is able to use picture, phonic and contextual clues to help establish meaning. She is beginning to add more expression when reading aloud and was recently confident enough to read to the whole class at the end of the day. Holly is able to infer appropriate meaning from the texts that she reads and can accurately explain the meaning to others. Holly's written work is of a high standard and she is able to successfully use her phonic knowledge to sound out words. Holly's handwriting is generally good and all the letters are correctly formed. She would benefit from keeping her letters to a standard size. Holly has worked very hard in this curriculum area this year.

Mathematical Development:

Holly is quite receptive to new mathematical concepts. She enjoys maths and is able to identify and use a range of mathematical symbols. Holly would benefit from remembering to check her work at every stage of a problem to avoid careless errors. Holly's number skills are sound, she can count in twos and tens with ease and is able to read, write and order numbers to 30. She is able to perform simple additions and subtractions using counting apparatus and is able to use basic geometrical terminology to describe the properties of 2D and 3D shapes. Holly also

enjoys practical maths, such as measuring ingredients for baking and working out the number of children in attendance. She already knows (and is able to use) some standard numeric facts and number bonds. Holly has worked hard in this area this year.

Knowledge and Understanding of the World (including Science, Technology, History and Geography):

Holly has a good geographical vocabulary and is able to express (quite strong!) views on the quality of the local environment. She is able to recount some stories about of past people and events, particularly in her own life and that of her family. Holly enjoys working with ICT and is becoming adept in her use of the mouse and keyboard. Throughout the year she has used ICT to develop knowledge and skills in a range of curriculum areas. Holly likes to experiment with software, trying out new features. Holly is able to plan and construct with building apparatus and manipulate materials with appropriate apparatus. Holly is curious and interested in science and nature and is able to carry out some simple investigations. She has enjoyed our topic on minibeasts.

Physical Development:

Holly is able to move safely and show an awareness of space. She is imaginative and graceful during dance sessions. Outdoors, Holly is able to use the large equipment and do so with control and coordination. She is able to handle a variety of tools with precision. She is aware of the importance of healthy eating and can name appropriate healthy foods. Her fine motor skills are careful and accurate.

Creative Development (including Music):

Holly is extremely creative and relishes the opportunity to express this creativity. She is always the first to ask to make, paint or draw something. Her work is of a high standard and she is able to use her knowledge of materials to predict outcomes when designing. She is particularly interested in creating models from junk materials. Holly is able to respond to different creative media and to evaluate her work. I would like Holly to take more care when colouring in so as not to spoil her beautiful work.

Personal, Social and Emotional Development (including RE):

Holly has come on in leaps and bounds this year. She has learned how to share and she now considers the feelings of others before she reacts to a difficult situation. She continues to learn self-awareness and how to deal with feelings when they arise. Holly has a strong network of good friends and is well liked by adults and children alike. She is learning that different people may have opinions that don't necessarily reflect her own, and that those opinions need to be treated with respect. Holly recognises the need for agreed codes of behaviour in shared environments, and why these are important. I have really enjoyed having Holly in my class and shall miss her next year.

Number of attendances: 299

Attendance in %: 97.1 %

Number of unauthorised absences: 0

Possible number of attendances: 308

Punctuality: Excellent