Difficult one

Auntie Alex plans to come tonight.
  • Will Finny come too?
  • No. I think he is staying at his Daddy's house.
  • But Finny hasn't got a Daddy...
  • Yes he does, but he lives in a different place.
  • What's his name?
  • Donalh.
  • That's a funny name! ... Does Auntie Alex have a bed ready for him for when he comes back?
At which Daddy managed to seamlessly avoid a discussion about how sometimes Mummies and Daddies stop loving each other. Tough.

Maryland Cookies

"Hey! Not only are you eating cookies way too close to bedtime, because Mummy is indulgent, but you are eating MY cookies. Daddie's special magic cookies that nobody knows about!"

"But I'm only eating them because I love you."


Holly: "I've got a snotty nose."
"Now I've got a snotty mouth!"


Driving to the City Farm. Holly has a realisation:

"When aeroplanes drive on the road, they USUALLY bump into cars."

Fear of growing up

We've been doing rather a lot of "pants are for big girls" and "bottles are for babies" recently. In the bath this evening Holly looked at Daddy and said "I don't want to be a big girl. I want to be little and blondie."


Mummy and monkeys came back from the shops today with NEW PANTS! Yellow pants at that so we are particularly excited about them. We immediately had to shed our nappies and don the pants. However Holly is absolutely shitting herself about... Sorry, I can't carry that gag through.

...Holly is absolutely petrified of potentially having an accident in the new pants so is just bouncing from potty to loo to potty without ever actually pulling them up and getting on with her life.

Rosie just keeps touching hers to check they are still there.

Rosie's social functioning

Rosie was part of a twin study today - some kind of assessment. (Holly was last week). The investigator was asking lots of questions, one of which was:
  • "What do you do if you wake up and there's a fire in your house?"
  • "I would tell Daddy... and he would put the dragons outside and tell them off."


Holly, while Daddy was changing a nappy:
"I think birds have got thumbs and fingers on their wings. So they can hold things."

Time Team

Rosie and Daddy were watching Time Team today. They were doing a lot of digging. Rosie: "That man needs to wash his hands before he has his supper."

Holly's Chickenpox

We are not especially happy with all this. Smiles in these pictures are testimony to the glory of paediatric Nurofen.

Growing Up

Holly was thinking ahead to adulthood today. "When I grow up, I can sit in the front seat; and when Mummy gets smaller she will have to sit in the car-seat."


Holly has chickenpox now. She sees it merely in terms of equality however. When Rosie was off we discovered Morden Hall Park and Poohsticks. "Now Rosie has to go to nursery and I stay with Daddy. So can I go to a new place today?"


Today Daddy was washing his hair.

Holly: "Why are you glueing your head?"
Daddy: "This isn't glue. It is special hair soap called shampoo"
Rosie: "NAH! Poo is for BUMS!"


Today Rosie had a long conversation with her left hand. They were arguing about who was the beautiful princess. Ultimately Rosie won with the devastating blow of "You're NOT the princess because you are a HAND!"


  • Knock... Knock... Knock...
  • "What is it darling?"
  • "Daddy?"
  • "I'm in the loo sweetheart."
  • Knock knock knock...
  • "I'm in the LOO. What do you want?"
  • "The Queen is stuck."
  • Door opens, revealing Holly in pink fairy outfit with a bead necklace jammed around her ribcage.


Happy New Year Rosie! You have chickenpox. Nice and spotty, but generally very happy.

January 5th update: Still happy. Still spotty...