Moving House II

Holly is now drawing floor plans. But not with the bunk beds on because that is coming with us.

Moving House I

Daddy just told Holly and Rosie about moving house. We worried they would be confused and anxious about it.

They are not.

Rosie immediately set about drawing up adverts for the house - currently a sign saying "This is how the garden looks like" and Holly is making a "For Sale" sign, and a sign instructing people to stay off the flower beds - "No Pepol Ulawd on the Soul". Also, Holly thinks we should live closer to our new school because the current school walk is too far, and that we should have roses in front of our new house, and hanging baskets. And flowers growing round the door.

Sleepless Night

Holly: "In a minute it will be my nap time because our babies, Baby Annabell and Baby Jesus, were up all night crying."
Rosie: "Yes. And you are God. The Big Invisible Daddy who never dies even if an arrow touches him."


Holly: "I can sing the music to Spiderman... 'Spiderman...'"
"That's all I can remember."


We went to Penny's 40th birthday party last weekend. Today...

Holly: "Penny, is called 'Penny', because she looks like a penny."
Daddy: "What? You mean she's little and round?!"
Holly: "Naaaaaaah!"
Rosie: ".... You mean, she's made of COPPER?!?!?!"

Kids TV

Holly: "I think Ninky-Nonk, and Tinky-Tonk make no sense; and are in The Night Garden."


Rosie really likes to keep us abreast of the important developments brought to us by the power of advertising. Today:

"Dad...? There's a 'fra-ga-rance' that's strong and mighty!"


Miss Gooch's class has an inflatable punchbag clown for the kids to vent their frustrations on instead of on each other.

Holly has burst it.


This is Rohan, who Rosie holds hands with during story time. Rosie was also heard this week choosing what to wear on the basis of what she was wearing "when Rohan and I first met."

Apropos of nothing

Holly: "I would rather live in my own house."
Daddy: "Erm. You do! Um... What do you mean?"
Holly: "When I am a grown up. I want to live in my own house. So, when my darlings are good, we can go to the chip shop for chips and we will live very near."

(Presumably nearer than Mummy and Daddy live, being a whopping 200 yards away.)

Rosie: "I think me and Holly should be neighbours."
Daddy: "That's a lovely idea. You could do that if you want."
Rosie: "Yes. And then we can have sleepovers and visit in our socks."


Rosie, after swimming: "Daddy. Please can we go to the cafe with you while Mummy hoovers her hair?"

Crap Shop

Rosie: "Daddy. How far is to to the crap shop?"
Daddy: "To the what?"
Rosie: "To the crap shop."
Daddy: "Oh. Well. I don't know what shop that is..."
Rosie: "The crap shop where we buy the cardboard and pens and things."


Daddy: "Oh the CRAFT shop!"


Holly: "Daddy, please may I have breakfast with you...?"
Daddy: "Yes of course, but you know the rules. You need to get out of your jammies and put your clothes on first."

Holly returns to the kitchen thirty seconds later, in winter, with a t-shirt on back to front and three-quarter-length trousers.