If Dogs Could Talk

Rosie has a piece of creative writing in a Young Writers' anthology:


Life's not to my taste. It's grim. Fetch this, pull that. If he wants the ball, he has to get off the sofa and fetch it. Then there's the walk. I can go, on my own, without a rope around my neck. 'Dog!' he yells. Here we go...


Clip 'n' Climb

We went to Clip 'n' Climb for our birthday with Ella and Katie. This is Holly at the top of the face-to-face wall.


The girls have been learning to sail. This is Holly having a lovely time.


Holly: "All... Mods... Aaaare... Wonkers.

That makes NO sense!"


Daddy: "Hey Rosie. What'ya making."
Rosie, all serious: "A home-made Enigma Machine."


Rosie had a speaking role in her school assembly today. She's in danger of being typecast. She was... Martin Luther King.


Holly has been modelling. Not your usual ashtray nonsense. CERBERUS!


The girls have been watching Mythbusters for the first time. Daddy asked Holly if she enjoyed it.

Holly, wide-eyed: "I don't know how I couldn't!"

Page Boy

Rosie on Jimmy Page: "He looks like an old man with a boy's face."

Also: "I wish he was playing the two-handled one."


Dad's just realised that we are in a lull between stories about hilarious little kids, and stories about hilarious lumbering teenagers. Right now we have upstanding, thoughtful and intelligent young ladies.

Ice-creams are available in the foyer.

Pubic Speaking

Rosie came second in a regional public speaking competition! Here she is with her public speaking bookends. (Yes, they naffed up her name. Idiots.)